
In short. I’m Nathan and I like films. I like to talk about them, so the natural destination has been to create this blog. There are a fair few blogs that you can go back and view at your pleasure.

I was always say I’m not precious about my writings, as all this is is at the moment is a passion project. All comments and any feedback is fully welcome. If nothing more, I just enjoy talking about films and sharing the differing opinions that come with them.

In terms of contacting me, you can always contact me through the comments section, or on the below:

Socials: Twitter – @mrnathanharris

Emails: anempireofwords@gmail.com

I will try and engage as much as possible.

7 thoughts on “About/Contact

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  1. I think this is a great blog and I love your self-descriptive interests in films, boos and sport ! You seem to have the ground well covered, though I’m always fascinated by the marginalization that occurs in books and cinema. So often it goes unnoticed. No one speaks of it. Where are the real women? Gay people? Anyway, I love the blog and you do the University of Derby proud!

  2. I just read a couple of your reviews, very well-written. As a film nerd myself, I love reading critical insights into movies not just from critics, but from the everyday guy. I look forward to seeing more of your reviews, you’ve gotten a follow out of me!

    1. I studied Film and Television with Professional Writing. The latter included modules on scriptwriting and journalism, which were thoroughly enjoyable.
      I am sadly not working in the field, this blog is ran for fun at the moment, but hopefully in the future I will be!

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